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Beware of political titles!: 4 examples

It seems to many that we are witnessing a period in which Americans seem unwilling to consider what others feel and believe, and this partisan atmosphere appears to be greater than at any time in recent memory. Rather than proceed, with an open mind, many seem to take the easy way out and resort to a form of name calling, using simplistic labels, rather than seeking any meeting of the – minds, for the greater good! Also, you are not just trying little hole, and, oversimplified, ineffective, but often inaccurate. also. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine and review, 4 of these titles / tags, and how they rarely help.

1. Conservative: Many times, we hear individuals proclaim that they are conservative, and this is the best for this nation. However, they seem to apply this concept, unevenly / inconsistently, using convenient aspects, when beneficial. For example, by political definition, a conservative emphasizes, responsibly, managing economic and budgetary affairs / affairs. Doesn’t that seem like, at odds, with a lot of these folks, who seem to ignore this, when their party’s candidate is president, but surprisingly budget-conscious, when the so-called opposition party turns, into – energy? We, too, attest, many of these individuals, claim to be strict observers of the Constitution, but, again, they seem selective, when they use an expanded (convenient) interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, but, their, often – personally – biased. , interpretation and selective application of the First!

two. Liberal / Progressive: Liberals and / or progressives often emphasize human rights, including civil, women’s, etc. They believe that quality health care should be a guaranteed right and not simply available and / or a privilege. Traditionally, this approach emphasizes spending on human-related issues, rather than seeming to favor the wealthiest. Tax reform is seen as needing, prioritizing, the working and middle class, and the poorest, rather than the richest of us!

3. Moderate: Traditionally, we elected presidents, whose personal policy was between 5% on the so-called left, or the same amount on the right. They generally seek, and emphasize, a meeting of minds and finding common ground, for the greater good! Unfortunately, in today’s political environment, there are fewer and fewer of these individuals!

Four. Socialist: How is it that some refer to anything that emphasizes government-run or assisted programs (or those they perceive as not benefiting them) as socialist? The hypocrisy of referring to a necessary financial stimulus, to individuals, as socialism, but, transforming the tax system and / or providing government funds to the wealthiest corporations, as acceptable!

Instead of using labels, somewhat nonsensical, often, for political purposes, wouldn’t it make sense to look, in the best way, forward? Wake up, America, and demand the better!

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